About Us


Encouraging Local Action for a Fairer World

CWDF is a unique partnership of groups and individuals, of all faiths and none, but all committed in their different ways to working for the worldwide ending of poverty and hunger, through sustainable development.

We meet bi-monthly, normally at The Unity Centre, 17 Cuppin Street, Chester CH1 2BN.

  • Why not join us? Please contact us for further details of our meetings and other events. Contact Email: chester1wdf@gmail.com
  • To keep up to date on our events, follow us on social media:
  • Twitter: @worldCwdf
  • Facebook: Chester World Development Forum CWDF @ChesterWDF

Subscribing Group Members

  • Amnesty International, Chester & Wrexham Group
  • Cheshire Asian & Minority Communities Council
  • Chester Baha’i Community
  • Chester CAFOD Support Group
  • Chester Christian Aid Committee
  • Chester City of Sanctuary Group
  • Chester Fair Trading
  • Chester Friends of Palestine
  • Chester Muslim Association
  • Chester Quaker Meeting
  • Holy Trinity Blacon One World Group
  • Our Lady’s Justice & Peace Group
  • St Columba’s Third World Group
  • University of Chester Department of Geography & Development Studies
  • Wesley Church Centre
  • Wirral Trade Justice Group

Individual Members

Individuals are welcome to join as individual members of CWDF. The names of individual members are not published or supplied to third parties.